Wednesday 14 April 2010

camapigning 12 months a year....not just at election time!

Nice photo and small report in today's Post of our TUSC campaign stalls in Oxford Street last Saturday.
Of course our Socialist Party stalls are a permanent feature in the city centre every week of the year and not just before elections like the other parties.
We campaign on issues directly affecting ordinary people as well as supporting workers in struggle.
This year, so far, we have had stalls supporting striking civil servants, Troops out of Afghanistan, Defending Public services, Opposing the BNP, Youth Fight for Jobs and supporting the railworkers.
Not bad for a small party with limited resources compared to the bigger establishment parties with their glossy leaflets and unlimited funds. But there you go, we actually believe in standing up for ordinary people and we actually have principles that are not for sale! Help us build a socialist alternative, don't sit back during this election campaign, help us fight back!